Saturday, December 28, 2019
How to Ask If a Position Is a Telecommute Job
How to Ask If a Position Is a Telecommute JobHow to Ask If a Position Is a Telecommute JobIf a company doesnt specifically say a position is a telecommute job in the description, then most likely it doesnt intend to hire a telecommuter directly. And thats pretty common. Telecommuting is often a perk allowed after an employee has proven his or her productivity in the office. And the decision is often made by individual managers, even if the company has a telecommuting policy. If you would not accept a position thats not a telecommute job, then you have little to lose by asking straight out if telecommuting is a possibility in this position. But youd probably still want to wait until an offer welches made or pending. However, just because a company doesnt hire a telecommuter directly doesnt mean there is no possibility of a position becoming a telecommute job in the future. And if you would still want the job even if no telecommuting is allowed, youll have to be subtle to find out abou t a companys telecommuting policy. If a company is not telecommute-friendly, asking about telecommuting can seriously hurt your chances of getting the job. Take a step-by-step approach to glean information about telecommuting. First, Research If you know anyone who works at the company (who is not involved in the hiring process), ask how telecommute-friendly it is. Does he or she know anyone who telecommutes? If so, how often? Is there a telecommuting policy? If you dont know any insiders, research the company to get a sense of its attitude toward work-life issues. Read news stories about the company. Check out lists of telecommute-friendly companies. Look for clues in the job description. Does it mention flexibility or other work-life benefits? But keep in mind that just because a company allows some telecommuting, that does not mean the position you are applying for could be telecommuted. Ask Indirect Questions Inquire about hours and the office location. (Is the position located in this office? What are the jobs hours?) These are innocuous questions that might yield some information. Try to pick up subtle clues about your interviewers attitudes on work-life issues. Do they seem open to flexible hours? If the signs are good (both on the telecommuting attitudes and for you getting an offer), decide whether you want to be a little more direct about it by asking general questions about the companys telecommuting/flextime policy. If telecommuting is allowed, but only on a case-by-case basis, you may want to stop right here. Wait until youve been at the job for a while to bring up telecommuting again. Ask Directly, if You Dare If a company is not telecommute-friendly and you ask about telecommuting directly, you probably wont get the job. So base your decisions on how much to pursue this on how much you want the job if you cannot telecommute at all. If you do decide to ask if the position could become a telecommute job, wait until a job offer is made. Try to put a positive spin on telecommuting for the company, i.e., eliminating the commute would make you more productive, it would save office space, etc.
Monday, December 23, 2019
4 Communication Touchpoints to Focus on During Your Next Interview
4 Communication Touchpoints to Focus on During Your Next Interview 4 Communication Touchpoints to Focus on During Your Next Interview In an interview setting, communication skills can make all the difference in determining which of two equally skilled candidates will get the job.Some people are naturally good communicators, giving them the advantage. If you dont consider yourself a natural, that doesnt mean youre incapable of improvement, nor does it mean you need to act like someone you arent. The value of authenticity in communication is undeniable.However, if you keep getting interviewsbut arentlanding the job, it might be time to reevaluate the message youre sending.Consider these four communication touchpoints as you analyze the effectiveness of your communication skills1. Phone MannerThe first interview for any role is usuallya phone interview. The conversation may leid take more than 10 minutes, but length and depthare not really the point. The recruiter has already seen you r resume and has a good idea of your hard skills.As you answer questions and discuss your background, the recruiterwill be trying to get a sense of your communication style and personality. Unfortunately, giving the wrong impression here could cost you. Take the call in a quiet place, and keep your notes in front of you to stay on track.2. Written CommunicationAnything you write to anyone at the company with which youre interviewingwill be scrutinized. Of course, you want to avoid spelling mistakes and typos. You also want to remember that no matter how short your note may be,it is still an opportunity to leave an impression.For example, say you need to reschedule your interview. Your email could be to the point Im sorry, but Im no longer available to interview on Wednesday. Do you have time on Friday?Or you could make more of a connection Hope youre doing well. I just learned of an important meeting at work this Wednesday that I cant miss. Would it be possible to move the interview to Friday? Im so disappointed to have to delay our meeting. I have been looking forward to it since our last conversation. Thanks in advance, and my apologies for any inconvenience.Which email do you think would leave a better impression with a hiring manager?All types of communication offer an opportunity to create some sort of bond with another person. Why should communication in an interview setting be any different? Use each opportunity you have to make a deeper connection or leave a better impression.3. Body LanguageHunching your shoulders or making yourself appear smaller when interviewing willsuggest a lack of confidence, while folding your arms across your chest will create communicative distance between yourself and the interviewer. Eye contact or the lack thereof is also something interviewers notice. Remember, its critical to communicate your enthusiasm for the role and the company, and your body languagewill play a key part in expressing that enthusiasm.4. Verbal Commun icationThis covers everything from your tone and articulation to the content of your speech. There is great power in being well spoken and able to project confidence - but confidence doesnt mean that you always have all the answers.Dont get frazzled if you dont know how to answer a question. Instead of becoming visibly uneasy or rushing to blurt out an answer, consider saying something like this Thats not a situationIve had to deal with, at least not exactly in the way youre asking. But what I do think those situations call for is someone who can really think on their feet, and Ive had to do that in many other ways.- Whether youre on the phone, sending an email, or at an in-person interview, communication is key. When competing against other qualified candidates, your message and brand need to come off clearly and confidently. Take each communication touchpoint seriously, and always consider the impression youremaking.A version of this article originally appeared on theAtrium Staff ing blog.Michele Mavi isAtrium Staffings resident career expert.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Overcoming Anxiety First Leadership Role
Overcoming Anxiety First Leadership Role Overcoming Anxiety First Leadership Role Moving up to your first leadership position brings new challenges and more responsibility. Youll have a lot to learn, says Jeffrey schute, a psychiatrist at Weill-Cornell Medical Center, NY.Your new role could include dealing with productivity, budgets, policy, design, implementation, and being in charge of how your gruppe is doing, he continues. You might be a little apprehensive about learning how to do all these things, Kahn acknowledges. But remember, other people think you can do them or they wouldnt have given you this leadership role.Clarify Your GoalsTo begin to lead most effectively, First clarify your goals, advises Amy Kohut, director of Cornell Universitys Team and Leadership Center. Its essential to find out just why, and what, the people youre leading are involved in. Do your goals and theirs match? If not, thats a good place to spend your early time as a leader. Clarity is always essentia l in order to lead, she stresses.Some goals are very specific. For example, you might be directing a project with a definite completion date. If your team is building a robot, you want to know, before beginning the work, exactly what you need that robot to do, says Kohut. Will it be aquatic or terrestrial? That impacts how it gets built, and exactly what components will be needed. Youre not looking for wheels if its an underwater robot.Often, your new role is less defined. You might simply have ongoing, more general responsibilities, Kohut points out. Whatever the situation, she recommends starting out with a team visit, to help you learn quickly whether everyones objectives are aligned. People need a clear sense of purpose, of just what youre all doing together. Talk about that with both your team and your supervisors. Making sure that all arrows are pointing in the same direction is very important.Early on, establish your teams overall purpose. Invite the group to formulate the pl an with you, says Kohut. Then, you fit in the pieces which members of the team will do each task? You want your strategic thinkers to brainstorm, and then the detail folks can work out the specifics. Once theres a shared vision, the leader is able to observe and help others work to their full potential.Angst The Origins of Anxiety and Depression by Jeffrey P. Kahn.Seek FeedbackExcellent leaders follow an insightful guideline Know yourself, but seek to understand others, Kohut emphasizes. To build understanding, get some feedback, especially when youre starting out. Ask, what am I doing thats helpful for the team? or Can you suggest a way for me to be more helpful? Asking for input is a great way to build a relationship, she explains.We each have strengths new leaders, like everyone they work with, are more naturally inclined to do certain things. Valuing the differences, says Kohut, is as important as following your own instinctive style. The strongest teams have a variety of style s. Successful leaders bring out the best in each team member. Dont pretend you can do everything. Rely on other peoples strengths, too, so observe what those are. You can simply ask, Whats your greatest strength for this project? or What do you love to do? The reply might be, I love to analyze details, or Interact with people. Kohut calls this approach, A very positive way to lead. You see where the skills mesh, so that everyone will be working at their full potential.She also recommends knowing your own bottom line. What is not okay for you? It might be something, for instance, as simple as starting meetings on time. People on a team need a baseline, so state your expectations clearly. You might say, Everyones time is important here, and its disrespectful to show up ten minutes late. Often, in engineering, you may need to take charge of a projects different elements, solve technical problems, and integrate not just the science but also the people components of your team, Kahn notes . You can learn some of the skills by observing successful leaders in your own company, or from a coach. Reading management books and biographies of outstanding leaders can help, too.Kohut concurs. Continue to grow and learn. For your own professional development, attend workshops or classes. You can ask your bosses to cover tuition for relevant courses. Surprisingly, feeling a little anxious may be very helpful. It can motivate you to learn more about the new aspects of your job, says Kahn, author of Angst The Origins of Anxiety and Depression (Oxford University Press, 2012). So, Instead of being overwhelmed by anxiety, keep reminding yourself that someone believes youre very competent. That can encourage you to work extra hard and become quite successful as a leader, he adds.Carol Milano is an independent writer.You can learn some of the skills by observing successful leaders in your own company, or from a coach.Jeffrey Kahn, psychiatrist, Weill-Cornell Medical Center, NY
Friday, December 13, 2019
General Military Medical Standards for Enlistment
General Military Medical Standards for EnlistmentGeneral Military Medical Standards for EnlistmentNot everyone can join the military. Thats because various medical conditions can disqualify you from military enlistment. Some disqualifying medical conditions are listed below. The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard. The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver) are an authenticated history of Limitation of Motion Current joint ranges of motion less than the measurements listed in paragraphs below are disqualifying. Hip (due to disease (726.5), or injury (905.2)) (a) Flexion to 90 degrees. (b) No demonstrable beugung contracture. (c) Extension to 10 degrees (beyond 0 degrees). (d) Abduction to 45 degrees. (e) Rotation of 60 degrees (internal and external combined). Knee (due to disease (726.6), or injury (905.4)) (a) Full extension to 0 degrees. (b) Flexion to 110 d egrees. Ankle (due to disease (726.7), or injury (905.4) or congenital defect) (a) Dorsiflexion to 10 degrees. (b) Planter flexion to 30 degrees. Subtalar eversion and inversion totaling 5 degrees (due to disease (726.7) or injury (905.4) or congenital defect). Foot and Ankle Current absence of a foot or any portion thereof (896) is disqualifying. Current or history of deformities of the toes (acquired (735) or congenital (755.66)) including, but not limited to conditions such as hallux valgus (735.0), hallux varus (735.1), hallux rigidicus (735.2), hammer toe(s) (735.4), claw toe(s) (735.5), overriding toe(s) (735.8), that prevents the proper wearing of military footwear or impairs walking, marching, running, or jumping, are disqualifying. Current or history of clubfoot (754.70) or pes cavus (754.71) that prevents the proper wearing of military footwear or impairs walking, marching, runningor jumping is disqualifying. Current symptomatic pes planus (acquired (734) or congenital (754.6)) or history of pes planus corrected by prescription or custom orthotics is disqualifying. Current ingrown toenails (703.0), if infected or symptomatic, are disqualifying. Current plantar fasciitis (728.71) is disqualifying. Current neuroma (355.6) that is refractory to medical treatment, or impairs walking, marching, running, or jumping, or prevents the proper wearing of military footwear, is disqualifying. Leg, Knee, Thigh and Hip Current loose or foreign body within the knee joint (717.6) is disqualifying. History of uncorrected anterior (717.83) or posterior (717.84) cruciate ligament injury is disqualifying. History of surgical correction of knee ligaments is disqualifying only if symptomatic or unstable (P81.4). (3) Current symptomatic medial and lateral collateral ligament injury are disqualifying. Current symptomatic medial and lateral meniscal injury are disqualifying. Current unspecified internal derangement of the knee (717.9) is disqualifying. Current or hist ory of congenital dislocation of the hip (754.3), osteochondritis of the hip (Legg-Perthes disease) (732.1), or slipped femoral epiphysis of the hip (732.2) is disqualifying. Current or history of hip dislocation (835) within 2 years preceding examination is disqualifying. Current osteochondritis of the tibial tuberosity (Osgood-Schlatter disease) (732.4) , is disqualifying if symptomatic. General Conditions Current deformities, disease, or chronic joint pain of pelvic region, thigh (719.45), lower leg (719.46), ankle and/ or foot (719.47) that have interfered with function to such a degree as to prevent the individual from following a physically active vocation in civilian life, or that would interfere with walking, running, weight bearing, or the satisfactory completion of training or military duty, are disqualifying. Current leg-length discrepancy resulting in a limp (736.81) is disqualifying. More Military Health Requirements Disqualifying Neurological ConditionsDisquali fying Skin ConditionsDisqualifying Systemic Diseases Derived from Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 6130.3, Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction, and DOD Instruction 6130.4, Criteria and Procedure Requirements for Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Resume Templates 2017 Tips
Resume Templates 2017 Tips The End of Resume Templates 2017 At exactly the same instance youll also acquire the help of CV writing services that are all set to aid at any instant. When sending the what resume should look like 2017 you will want to deal with the suitable individual responsible for the selection. Just make sure, whichever format you select, which youre targeting it for the job that youre applying to. You can opt for chronological, functional along with modern resume formats. What You Should Do to Find Out About Resume Templates 2017 Before Youre Left Behind Revamping your resume facing a work search is virtually usually wise. Read your revamped resume with an important eye to make certain it reflects you. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. Youve probably already seen a dizzying amount of online ideas for how to compose a resume, and arent certain how to make sense of it all. Its very necessary to know the sort of resumes preferred by the establishment that you need to work for. When youve reviewed resumes in your field, peruse resumes across fields to know how to vary using action verbs and receive a feel for what makes a highly effective accomplishment statement. Try to remember, landing the interview is the very first step to receiving the position that you truly desire If youre thinking about how to create a resume, youre in the proper spot The very last thing that you want to do is receive a job which you cant do. If you arent happy with the current job and theyre contemplating quitting, its a really sensible choice with an updated resume to deliver out before you stop. Understanding Resume Templates 2017 bedrngnis only are you going to look bad, but its going haunt you down the line with other future prospective employers. Its possible for you to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. Your resume needs to fix an issue for employers (which is the reason why theyre hiring). Alas, many employers only scan resumes for a couple seconds before choosing whether to continue reading. Employers know your goal is to find the job. Its possible your interviewers will cross-check all of the information and verify all the details before recruiting you, so theres no scope for virtually any mistake. My aim is to find the job. Your goal is to find the job. Word Resume schablones are complete with the full outline structure and the majority of the content that produces way for a powerful resume in an issue of just a couple minutes. Moreover there are several resume templates Microsoft Word to select from it is really hard to land on that 1 link which will actually get the job done for you. These templates work, and you can merely change your information to help it become personal for you. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for mora use. Locating a wise CV form on the website is much simpler than, for example, attempting to finish the so-called Europass. Your name ought to be the most significant text on the webpage. The largest plus with a resume template is that you may download and customize with relevant info and details to symbolize your candidature at a coming interview for a job-profile in the banking sector. If you want to compose a functional Resume Templates then you are able to take assistance from the below-given sample functional resumes. You may also download completely free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. Be sure the resume template you decide on is specific to your industry. Do you need a professional and efficient design template for your CV You can also check at a few of the samples of various types of resumes for various kinds of careers. As you may have noticed, design is only one of several elements in your resume that could capture attention. There are more than merely a couple of pointers which you have to remember and fully adhere to when designing a resume even when youre employing a readymade template. Have a look at our article on the way to use your job references strategically in the event that you need more info.Since you can see, font size is vital portion of your resume and you need to ensure that it remains in your thoughts, when you writing your document. Selecting the correct font can look to be an impossible endeavor, especially since there are dozens and dozens of choices out there. This template has flexible designs and its really user friendly. Enjoy our wide selection of resume templates.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Heres What I Know About Las Vegas Resume Writing Services
Heres What I Know About Las Vegas Resume Writing Services If you cant, the organization will find somebody who can. Covering your very own previous tasks assist the employer figure out what kind of worker youd prove to be. Resume writing really isnt that difficult, once youve got an idea about what your prospective employer expects to discover when he or she reads it, and therefore do your best and great luck A good resume providing firm is one which delivers the client everything thats critical in grabbing the interest of a very best employer. The Unexpected Truth About Las Vegas Resume Writing Services You dont need a writer cutting her or his teeth on you. Resume writing must be carried out professionally because your career is dependent on it. Even though you can brag and compose every single of your work and feel taller than ever bur it isnt the expert method of resume writing. To be able to enter in the world of the desired job its significant that you select the authe ntic resume writing service. What You Can Do About Las Vegas Resume Writing Services Beginning in the Next Nine Minutes Be prepared to Highlight Your Achievements As an executive, youre expected to earn a considerable difference in the company which you work for, which usually means you need to have a great deal of high-level achievements beneath your belt and be ready to share them. The genuine task which youre likely to do will probably be significantly simple whenever you currently understand how you are able to soak up concerns and uncertain teeth. Needless to say, each success includes a challenge, therefore it never hurts to concentrate on how you overcame an obstacle simply to find success in the long run. Sometimes your resume requires a couple of minor tweaks and occasionally it needs an entire overhaul. Search for a superb executive resume writing service that will help you land your dream job. Therefore if youd like to receive your dream job, you will need to be no ticeable and that happens with crafting a first-class resume. For having that sort of attitude, you might lose meritorious jobs for not trying. The One Thing to Do for Las Vegas Resume Writing Services By way of example, many resume companies also provide a cover letter writing service. As soon as you supply the information, they will produce a polished and expert document, written in the correct resume format. As it comes to resume writing services, youre going to be rather amazed to realize that there are a lot of individual varieties and youll be considering ensuring you choose the appropriate type for the job which you desire. The expert writing providers know what things to leave out and what ought to be highlighted. Executives in any field should exude professionalism due to the responsibilities they handle and since they represent a specific group. Locating a job is no little feat, particularly in the executive sector where the process to receive hired is more cutth roat than ever before. As stated earlier, the panel of resume writers are handpicked by these kinds of businesses and short listed dependent on the expertise they carry in each individual area. By employed as a temporary executive, you have the chance to see whether you fit well within that organization. Top Las Vegas Resume Writing Services Secrets There are hundreds and hundreds of guidelines you are able to browse through like books, resume writing for beginners not to mention the web. Resume writing services have matured over the last few years and been sliced in two categories. With all these writers out there to select from, of course you should consider price. Resume they are not just professional writers but are experts with a deep understanding of the job market.
Friday, November 29, 2019
How to Easily Expand Your Role at Work - The Muse
How to Easily Expand Your Role at Work - The MuseHow to Easily Expand Your Role at Work Even if things are going well at work, you cant help but think youd be happier if you were doing mora. Maybe its a project youre dying to get involved in. Or a skill youd love to build. Or a team youd like to work more closely with.Ive been there myself. I loved the ins and outs of being a headhunter, but I wasnt fulfilled. So, I branched out, and in addition to my recruiting responsibilities, I started writing articles for my companys blog. Of course, as you know, doing this can be a little tricky. Every organization comes with its own nuances and ways to best navigate the landscape- a.k.a., your manager can make this really easy or really hard, depending on how much they value your growth and how much room there actually is in your role or on your team to expand. But the truth is that your career development is on you- and theres no reason you cant explore your options. Heres how you can expand your role to work on things that matter to you (without overstepping those scary boss boundaries).1. Make it Clear How Youll Add ValueWhen pursuing a new project or responsibility, consider the value itll have on the companys bottom line. What problem is it solving? How is it making things more efficient? How is it helping your team or company reach its goals? How does your involvement benefit everyone? The more you can quantify or explain the output of your new passion project, the more likely youll get the green light (and possibly the budget) from your boss to run with it.(Weve even made you this ackerschnacker worksheet to plan out your pitch. Just click File Download as any file type youd like to get started.)Early in my career working in sales at a Fortune 500 company, I decided to branch out into people development. It was a far cry from my job description, but I wanted the experience, so I came up with the idea of putting together a mentoring program for the entire Southea st Division. The idea stemmed from new employees wanting to build a connection with management but unsure of how to break the ice. As the program grew and ultimately enhanced company culture, over 100 teammates directly benefited from my work. It bridged a gap by introducing less-experienced employees to leadership, gave those who were mid-level an opportunity to lead as a mentor and network up as a mentee, and provided the bosses with an opportunity to see first-hand what their direct reports were working on. The program was set up so that everybody won.When you invite others to participate, as well as benefit, from your work, you gain their support and encouragement (and the support and encouragement of your boss). Plus, looping others in lets you pick their brain and learn from their various expertise.2. Capitalize on Learning OpportunitiesDoes your company host lunch-and-learns or workshops, or allow employees to attend conferences? Get involved in anything that piques your inte rest- seriously, thats what theyre there for. If its not hosted by your team but is up your alley, ask your manager if you can shadow another departments training (if you get all your work done).Then, bring back a new approach you learned and teach it to your colleagues, or use it to improve one of your current systems, or use it as a framework for future projects. By showing that youre becoming a more valuable employee from these experiences, you encourage your managers to want to invest more time and money into them- and more time and money into your personal growth.If these kinds of professional development opportunities arent readily available for you, consider doing your own research for classes or conferences youd like to attend and asking your boss for some allocated budget (heres how to do that). Remember You might get a no to any of the above, but you wont ever get a yes if you dont ask. If all else fails, theres always room for growth that can be found outside of your 9-to -5. Consider volunteering, freelancing, taking on contract work, or attacking a passion project. Whether on the clock or off, when you feel that its time to expand, choose your path and go for it Its never too late.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
A financial expert shares how to save (and budget) for a vacation
A financial expert shares how to save (and budget) for a vacationA financial expert shares how to save (and budget) for a vacationMillennials are a little different from ur parents and grandparents generations. We want to binnensee the world, and we favor companies that afford us the opportunity to do so. Forbes reported that millennials spend nearly $600 billion a year, and more and more of that money spent is going toward traveling. With companies like Travel Noire or Remote Work, we are able to cultivate experiences through travel and open up our minds to something much bigger than our neighborhood or our comfort zones. We got a chance to speak with millennial finance expert Stefanie OConnell, who shared tips to keep at the top of our minds for a cost-effective and enjoyable vacation.Be flexible with your destination and do some researchIn the beginning stages of your leisure travel planning, youre more than likely going to think of destinations you would like to visit. Several th ings can help to make a destination look enjoyable, like the weather, the activities associated with the location, and if youre like me, the price point. When considering where Id like to go, I begin by asking myself if this trip will deplete my savings, if I can truly afford it or if I will have to eat Top Ramen when I come home.A great place to begin answering those questions? Websites like Skyscanner, where you can see ideal travel dates for certain locations, or which places are cost effective in the months you want to travel. Other websites/apps like Hopper, Airfare Watchdog, or Google Flights can help you further identify the best timing and the costs associated with those travels. There are tons of ways to save, but you just have to do some research.Millennial finance expert Stefanie OConnell echoes that point by saying, Im a big fan of finding insider deals by scouring reviews on Yelp and TripAdvisor. I also love a good Airbnb find - both homes and experiences. Additionally , being flexible with when and how you travel can be a great asplatzset during the early stages of planning. Plan trips around friends or family visits for example, using public transit, traveling in the offseason, or using deal sites on local attractions, says OConnell.You CAN save for your future and for fun at the same timeAccording to a new survey from Citi AA MileUp, 38% of consumers say that budgeting for a trip is the most stressful and least enjoyable part of vacation planning. Theres also a misconception that if you are saving for a trip, you cant save for your future. To ease that anxiety, there are a few things to consider.The best strategy for a vacation is to set money aside all year long. I recommend opening up a dedicated savings account for your vacation and travel goals and contributing a small percentage of each paycheck to it, says OConnell. Setting aside 5% or even as little as 2% each paycheck can go a long way over time. By saving for your vacations in a separa te savings account, youll get a clear picture of what trips you can and cant afford to take just by checking the balance of your accounts.Going back to your personal savings, OConnell says the same way in which you are hoping to make traveling a priority, you need to do the same with your personal savings goals. In the same way you prioritize setting aside the savings for your vacation, I recommend setting aside savings for your future - as a percentage of each paycheck. Better yet, automate the savings process so that as soon as your paycheck lands in your checking account, a portion of it gets automatically rerouted to your various savings goals. When you dont see the money in your checking account, youre less likely to think of it as money you have available to spend at that moment.Find a Side HustleIf you want to be like Aladdin and Jasmine and see the whole world, but your budget is saying girl, no, consider taking on a side hustle. The beauty in side hustles is that its somet hing youre doing on the side and it doesnt have to take on a major time commitment like your full-time position. A great way to make your side hustle work for you is to center it around something that you actually enjoy.For instance, if youre a shopper - look into being a mystery shopper, stylist, or even selling clothes you want to get rid of on Poshmark or ThredUp. You can tutor, or write, or drive Uber/Lyft, be a book reviewer, or anything that you want to bring in extra funds. If traveling is a priority for you, you will find what works best for your situation and time. If you take on a few weekends of babysitting now, maybe you can afford that bachelorette party weekend in cash come fall - without dipping into your long-term savings to afford it, says OConnell.The silver lining at the end is that spending those extra hours per week can afford you the opportunity to go places you want like Bali, Italy, or Greece.This article was originally posted on
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Top Jobs Now Hiring at UPS
Top Jobs Now Hiring at UPSTop Jobs Now Hiring at UPSIf brown is your color, then you should be the first to know that the United Parcel Service of North America (UPS) is hiring.UPS is a global package delivery company headquartered in Seattle that serves North America, Europe and 200-plus countries around the world. UPS employees work hard to deliver approximately 17 million packages daily while providing other specialized domestic, zwischenstaatlich and freight packing and shipping services. UPS is hiring more than 500 locations around the world in shipping, operations and corporate. Here are five of the most popular jobs theyve listedfor the stereoAssistant Store ManagerThe Assistant Store Manager handles the day-to-day management of the center and provides world-class customer service in printing, packing, shipping and mailboxes. The Assistant Store Manager serves three customer segments the home-based businessperson, the business traveler and the personal consumer. In this role, the focus will be on directing the daily work efforts of the center staff, executing the day-to-day business requirements of running the center and delivering outstanding customer service to each of our customers.Average salaries for Assistant Store Manager $30,000 $40,000ort requirements Bachelors degree in Engineering, Business, Finance, or related field PreferredMasters degree PreferredMasters degree in Business Administration PreferredMust be a U.S. Citizen or National of the U.S., an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien authorized to work in the U.S. for this employer.Must currently be in the same geographic location as the job or be willing to relocate yourself there.Must have a Bachelors degree (or internationally comparable degree) or be a current UPS employee with a minimum of three years of UPS experience.Apply for this jobNew Product DevelopmentThe New Product Development Concepts Analyst uses internal and external resources to investigate new products and services concepts and project the impact those concepts will have on the marketplace and UPSs market share position. The person in this position reviews findings and provides recommendations based on business analysis. This position may also have supervisory responsibility for administrative or technical employees.Average salaries for New Product Development $50,000Position requirements Must be a U.S. Citizen or National of the U.S., an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien authorized to work in the U.S. for this employer.Must currently be in the same geographic location as the job or be willing to relocate yourself there.Must have a Bachelors degree (or internationally comparable degree) or be a current UPS employee with a minimum of three years of UPS experience.Must have experience in new product development.Must be willing to travel.Apply for this jobSenior Applications DeveloperThe UPS Senior Applications Developer provides input and support for full systems life cycle management activities (e.g., analysis, technical requirements, design, coding, testing, implementation of systems and applications software, etc.). This role is responsible for participating in component and data architecture design, technology planning and testing for Applications Development (AD) initiatives. This position also provides input to applications development project plans and integrations. Average salaries for Senior Applications Developer $75,000 $91,000Position requirements Must be a U.S. Citizen or National of the U.S., an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or an alien authorized to work in the U.S. for this employer.Now or in the future UPS employment sponsorship, such as H1B, TN, J-1, F-1, etc., is not needed in order to start or continue temporary or permanent employment with UPS.Primary Skills in SQL Programming using MSBI (SSAS, SSIS, SSRS, and Enterprise SharePoint).The desired Senior Applications Developer will posse ss a degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Mathematics, Statistics or related field or the equivalent in education and work experience.Apply for this jobCenter AssociateThe Full-Time Center Associate is responsible for delivering world-class customer service to UPS retail customers. In the day-to-day, the Center Associate receives and processes packages for courier shipment and operates copiers, fax machines, binding equipment, laminating machines, and point-of-sale devices. Average salaries for Center Associate $23,000Position requirements Previous retail schlussverkauf experience. Strong computer and internet skills. A high school diploma or GED. A friendly and genuinely helpful demeanor. A professional appearance. This candidate must be a fast learner who makes an effort to learn all aspects of the business in the shortest possible time.Apply for this jobRead more about working for the UPS on the UPS Careers Page and by searching Simply Hireds Search Engine for UPS job s. Then prepare for your interview with these tips. If youre interested in companies similar to the UPS, see United States Postal Service (USPS), FedEx, and YRC Worldwide.
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